Explosion at apartment building in Tyresö

Updated 05.39 | Published 04.55



An explosion occurred at an apartment building in Tyresö municipality during the night.

No one was injured.

An object with flammable liquid has ignited and exploded at an apartment building in Tyresö at 03:00.

– We received several calls from residents in Öringe who had then heard a detonation. We had also received information that there was a fire in a two- or three-story house with loft corridors, says Ola Österling at the Stockholm Police.

According to several consistent reports, the fire is likely to have been started by an explosive charge.

– It was some form of minor explosive charge or pyrotechnics that caused a detonation, says Ola Österling.

The facade caught fire, but no one was injured in the explosion.

The fire was extinguished by the emergency services. The location is cordoned off pending the investigation by forensics. The incident is classified as arson.

The same area has been affected by other crime during the year and the police are investigating whether there may be a connection with previous events.

– We are in the process of reviewing whether it can be connected, it is close at hand, but we cannot say for sure yet, says Ola Österling.
