Explorer Stichtse Vecht: Talk further with six parties

After the Sjoerd Swane issue there is still unrest in
Why these six parties?

Lokaal Liberaal is the largest party with seven seats, and it goes without saying that it is up to the party to form a new coalition. Local Liberal is big, especially in the larger centers such as Maarssen and Maarssenbroek.

The VVD, as the second party with five seats, has always assumed administrative responsibility in the past and now wants to do so again.

After a four-year absence, D66 is firmly entering the political arena again with four seats.

Regional interests has retained three seats. Their supporters are mainly found in the small cores. They indicate that they want to take administrative responsibility and emphasize the importance of balance in the board, both in terms of experience and diversity. Regional interests are seen by almost all parties as a logical and constructive possible coalition partner.

The CDA has also remained the same with three seats and is strongly represented in the small cores. The CDA has proved to be a stable board member and wants to continue to contribute to that.

The CU-SGP has remained stable with two seats and has been mentioned by various political groups as a possible constructive and stable coalition party. They have also indicated that they want to take administrative responsibility.

Source: Reconnaissance report Stichtse Vecht
