Experts see covid test for Chinese travelers: “Senseless”

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

The border controls with covid tests that are introduced from January 7 are completely pointless. That’s according to Björn Olsen, senior physician and professor of infectious diseases at the University Hospital in Uppsala.

He understands the reasoning that China differs from other countries in that they currently have “an extreme spread of infection and little data”, but believes that similar patterns are also seen in other countries.

– We do not test at all people who come from parts of Africa or from other parts of Europe or even from the United States. Why are we not interested in them? There is no logic behind the decision and there are no epidemiological reasons for it, says Olsen.

Can contribute to increased preparedness

He is supported by Joakim Dillner, professor of infection epidemiology at Karolinska Institutet, who also does not see that the measure has any effect.

– The variants that are being spread in China are the same that are already being spread in Sweden, says Dillner, who, however, believes that it was a well-justified security measure when it was introduced in December 2021.

Anders Björkman, professor of infectious medicine at the Karolinska Institutet, shares the view.

– I don’t see any effect on the spread of infection, but it could be a precautionary measure because we don’t know exactly what is happening in China, he says

The Public Health Authority knows that the tests will not affect the spread of infection in Sweden. Head of department Sara Byfors believes, however, that there may still be a point in requiring a negative covid test when entering from China.

The Minister of Social Affairs: The decision does not concern the relationship with China

Minister of Social Affairs Jakob Forssmed (KD) says in a comment, via his press secretary Simon Hoff:

“The decision on temporary entry restrictions is not justified on the basis of the relationship with China, but is introduced as a measure to delay a possible introduction of new virus variants and increase the possibilities of taking measures.”

However, Hoff says that the measure is also “a consequence of the fact that there is uncertainty about the spread of covid-19 in China” as well as a lack of transparency and reliable data.
