If you are able to wake up naturally, shortly before your alarm is activated, it is pretty good sign for your sleep.
It may happen to you: you wake up every morning a minute before the ringtone of your alarm clock. 6:59 am, hop your eyes open without hearing the slightest noise. This phenomenon is called “precision awakening”. If it can annoy, it is actually a good thing, which allows the body to wake up quietly. When you often wake up at the same time, the body produces a protein, the PER, which prepares you for alarm about an hour ahead. It then stimulates the production of the stress hormone, cortisol, ending the deep sleep phase. Sleep then becomes lighter and heartbeat as well as blood pressure changes.
Doctor Foster, interviewed by the NY Timesadd that the body can also detect the light levels that surround you: “Special cells of our eyes detect changing light levels, for example just before and at dawn, even through our eyelids when our eyes are closed “He explains. These cells can then communicate to the body that the usual waking time is approaching.

Waking up just before alarm clock is, in fact, rather a sign of good sleep cycle, while not to wake up can show a certain lack of sleep or an overly irregular rhythm. Questioned by The ParisianSylvie Royant-Parola, doctor and psychiatrist specializing in sleep, highlights the need to regularize her sleeping hours, from bedtime to rising, which will probably allow you to wake up just before ringtone.
However, she adds that the weekend, a little morning was authorized, going up to an additional hour and a half, but no more so as not to shift. She also advises to avoid turning off her alarm clock several times to repel him: “When you use it, you stay in a state of drowsiness that is not at all relaxing. You get up when you no longer have it Choice, which is hyper-stressing.
Rather than using the snooze, it is better to program alarm clock later because this semi-sleep will not be restful. If, conversely, you open your eyes a little earlier than expected, get up and take your time to wash, well-breakfast …