Expert Petter Solng Skinstad’s harsh words about Therese Johaug

So far, there have only been two silver medals for Therese Johaug in the World Cup.
According to Norwegian expert Petter Solng Skinstad, there is a risk that there will be a fiash comment for the 36-year-old.

– I’m starting to get a little stressed, he tells SVT.

When Therese Johaug36, announced that she was back after two years of absence it was for her to win the World Cup gold at home in Trondheim. That was the given goal of the comeback. So far, she has not been able to live up to her high expectations.

Johaug’s silver medals surprise

The Norwegian, who has been able to give birth to children during their “break” from the elite venture, has come second in both the skiathlon (20 km) and in the 10-kilometer race. Both times it is Ebba Andersson27, which stood in the way of a gold medal. The Swede has struck her by a short margin at both distances.

GUIDE: Everything you need to know about Ski World Cup 2025: Schedule and TV times for all races

Since basically everyone has thought that Johaug will win every single race she puts up in, the two silver medals have surprised many.
– She seems to have been a little stressed in the World Cup, she has been faster before. Yesterday on the mile with fresh snow and sluggish before it was not perfect conditions for taking a World Cup gold. But since the technology was not as it usually does and Therese was not at her best, she probably became a little stressed after losing the sprint against Ebba on Skiathlon. She brought that with her on the mile, said Petter Northug in SVT’s “Current” recently.

Norwegian expert’s words about Therese Johaug

One that is on the same track is the Norwegian TV2 expert Petter Solng Skinstadwhich previously worked as a long -distance runner. He doesn’t think Johaug cares so much about Friday’s relay, which she is selected. However, Sunday’s five -mile means everything to her.
– The Norwegian team dreams of gold, but it is not an absolute goal. For Therese, on the other hand, the five miles are all or nothing. She shits in the Tour de Ski, she shits in World Cup wins and she shits in her two silver and possible relay medals, he tells SVT.

Read more: Petter Northug’s new play against Therese Johaug

It is hard to cut someone who takes at least two World Cup silver (possibly more medals in the championship), but if Johaug misses gold in Trondheim, the Norwegians see her return as a failure.
– If she does not win the five -mile gold, the comeback has been a small failure honestly. I hope and think she takes it, but I’m starting to get a little stressed, says Petter Solng Skinstad.

Do you think Therese Johaug wins any gold medal in this World Cup? Feel free to leave a comment and share your thoughts!

