Expert calls 5 things that Path of Exile 2 has to do better in the next season

With Dawn of the Hunt, the new Season from Path of Exile 2 will soon be coming up. An expert has now named 5 things that have to run better with the new league.

Who is it about? Darthmicrotransaction is a content creator on YouTube and Twitch, which mainly deals with Arpgs. He regularly publishes videos on Path of Exile 2 and Diablo 4. He is known to his viewers for his good analyzes and clear criticism. According to his own statements, he has played about 700 hours since the early access release.

In a new YouTube video, he has now named five points that Path of Exile 2 has to improve with the new season so that the game really gets better.


Here you can see the teaser trailer for the new season:

Path of Exile 2 presents new teasers for the big update Dawn of the Hunt

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Everything at the beginning

For darthmicrotransaction, the following points are the five most important construction sites that the developers of Grinding Gear Games have to tackle with the new season “Dawn of the Hunt”. In addition to these five points, there are other things that can be improved, but here the content creator has been limited to its most important ideas.

1. Reset of the economy

The first point that DARTHMICROTRANSATACTION addresses is a reset of the gaming industry. Due to the high inflation in Path of Exile 2, new players find it difficult to get high -quality items because they cannot experience the enormous prices.

So far, however, the developer has been lacking that with the update 0.2.0, “Dawn of the Hunt”, a new season, which has its own economy and you cannot simply give items to your new characters.

2. Crafting system

The progress of one’s own character in the mid and endgame of Path of Exile 2 is too strong on the trading system, which many do not like at all- Meinmmo author Cedric Holmeier also says Poe2 repeats the mistake of the first part. The second proposal from Darthmicrotransaction goes in a similar direction. For him, POE2 has to install a real crafting system.

Darthmicrotransaction criticizes that the current crafting system is too randomly based and not very worthwhile. Items that are dropped with good stats are improved to be valuable with a lot of luck, but in most cases they end up on the trash. A new crafting mechanics that comes into play as a league mechanics would be advocated to darthmicrotransaction.

3. Skill balance

Darthmicrotransaction describes that the current skill balance has major problems. Many of the best builds would build around the skills “Herald of Ice” and “Herald of Thunder” because these skills simply do a lot more damage than other skills in the game.

Darthmicrotransaction demands that not only nerfs come for these skills, but also weaker skills are buffed up to enable more build variety.

4. Skill stree

Darthmicrotransaction finds the skill-trree requires far-reaching improvements. According to him, there are still too many placeholder and problems with the defensive skills in the tree. The Content Creator describes that players are currently using a skill with their builds and alternatively on a skill that takes mana instead of life should be hit.

According to him, builds that rely on life points would be disadvantaged because there are few nodes in the skill stree with good buffs for life. According to Darthmicrotransaction, a nerf of the energy sign in favor of dodging would be a sensible change.

At the Atlas Tree, the content creat is looking forward to an expansion because it finds the current system a bit boring.

5. Atlas

In the video (via YouTube), the content creat is clear that it is not an enemy of the Atlas system. However, he understands why some players would not like the new system and also sees potential for improvement. For darthmicrotransaction, the towers on the atlas are the fun brake. Running them to improve other cards, he describes as a boring.

Darthmicrotransaction wants more interesting places and better rewards on the Atlas for the next season. As an example of such Points of Interest, he shows, among other things, the “Moment of Zen” card, which drops a guaranteed unique item, but also says that the interesting places often have even worse loot than the normal cards.

What is the conclusion? Darthmicrotransaction speaks a conclusion at the end of his video on YouTube. “I really enjoy the game,” explains the YouTuber first. He considers the basis of the game to be good and with some changes could even be something very good for him. For him, it is clear that Path of Exile needs more development time and a complete release in 2025 is unrealistic. If you want to learn more about the new season, have a look here: Path of exile 2 patch 0.2.0: All information about Dawn of the Hunt
