Expensive bills and racing fuel prices: the government is working on new measures

Fuels Antitrust Price tensions for international events

(Finance) – A fuel bonuses, designed especially for lower incomes. This is the new measure being studied by the government. On the measure, according to what has been learned, an interlocution has begun in the last council of ministers and it is not excluded that the confrontation could accelerate in one of the next meetings of the CDM. The evaluation at the moment would be focused on identifying the most appropriate tool and the potential audience and the dialogue started in the last council of ministers could accelerate in one of the next meetings.

But the hypothesis of a fuel bonus for the lowest incomes is not liked by consumer associations. For Assoutenti, who is asking the executive for a further effort, “it is not the solution to the high price of petrol phenomenon”. ”The possibility of a petrol bonus does not appear to be the correct solution to the problem – explains the president of Assoutenti Furio Truzzi –. In fact, if on the one hand the measure would help the less well-off households, on the other it would have no effects on the transport sector, especially that of goods, considering that 88% of the products sold in our shops travel by road and are directly affected by the increases in fuel prices”, he adds. Truzzi also indicates that “food is already suffering the consequences of the high price of petrol: just think that according to the latest Istat data on inflation in August, fresh vegetables increased by +20% over the year. We therefore believe that the Government must immediately cut excise duties in order to lighten the costs of supplies and control the growth of retail price lists, and intervene on the supply chain from extraction to pump sales, to flush out the speculations that lurk in the various steps “. Based on Assoutenti’s calculations on the weekly data from Mase, released today, petrol reached 1.954 euros per liter in the last week, diesel 1.855 euros, with an increase of +8.1% in just three months for green and as much as +12.4% for diesel.Compared to May, a full tank of petrol costs motorists today 7.4 euros more (+177.6 euros per year per family assuming two full tanks a month), while for a full of diesel, the highest cost reaches 10.3 euros (+247.2 euros per year per family).

Also on the government table are new supports to stem the high bills. In fact, the current ones expire at the end of the month, including the extension of the social bonus. And the government is already working to study the next steps. “We are evaluating the confirmation of the measures taken in July”, explains the Minister of the Environment Gilberto Pichetto. A decree is therefore expected before the end of the month. Which could also include the new bonus, intended for all families without income limits, announced in March.

(Photo: David ROUMANET / Pixabay)
