Exor, Antitrust green light for the acquisition of Lifenet

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(Finance) – Antitrust green light to the agreement that will allow Exor to take over 45% of the capital of Lifenet, an Italian company that manages clinics and hospitals in Emilia-Romagna, Lombardy, Piedmont and Lazio. The Authority has therefore decided not to start any investigation as emerges from the Bulletin.

The transaction – the Authority recalls in the provision – is divided into two phases: the sale by Invin to Exor of an equity investment in Lifenet equal to 7.78% and the subsequent subscription, by Exor, of an increase in reserved capital of Lifenet.

Once the transaction is completed, the capital of Lifenet will therefore be held for 54.13% by Invin; 44.67% from Exor; for 1.20% from Gbh.

The Antitrust Authority – reads the bulletin – does not see “the establishment or strengthening of a dominant position in the affected markets, such as to eliminate or substantially and permanently reduce competition”.
