Exor, 2021 profit of 1.71 billion. Coupon € 0.43

Exor 2021 profit of 171 billion Coupon E 043

(Finance) – Exor closed 2021 with a consolidated profit of 1,717 million euros compared to the loss of 30 million in 2020.

The result – the company explains – derives from the “improvement in the performance of the operating companies (3,009 million euros) partially offset by the tax transaction for 744 million and non-recurring losses for 504 million deriving from the deconsolidation of FCA following the merger with PSA.

The Net Asset Value at the end of 2021 it was 31,069 million (+7,028 million compared to the end of 2020) while the NAV per share stood at 132.41 euro, up by 30.33 euro per share (+ 29.7%).

The BoD has proposed to the Shareholders’ Meeting the payment of a dividend unchanged by 43 cents per share.
