Exodus 2022, Autostrade per l’Italia and the Traffic Police still together to spread the culture of safe driving

Autostrade ART launches fact finding investigation for user protection

(Finance) – Motorways for Italy And State Police together again to raise awareness among travelers about risks that you run when you are not very careful at the guide. Starting from Friday 5th Augustand during all the weekends of the month, the Stradale policemen, the staff of ASPI and the ANPAS volunteers will interact with the travelers parked at some of the main Service Areas to provide a series of caring services.

From healthcare in collaboration with Anpas (National Association of Public Assistance) which will provide an ambulance with volunteers on board for any requests for intervention, with information on traffic conditions in real time.

They will also not fail games And entertainment for the little ones and moments of road education on driving behaviors, such as: the use of seat belts, observance of speed limits or safety distance. Travelers can also try to travel an itinerary wearing special visors, which simulate the condition of those who drive after taking drugs or alcohol.

The initiative, which will accompany users in transit during the summer holidays, is the result of the consolidated collaboration between Autostrade per l’Italia and the State Police, as well as the awareness campaign that sees the precious participation of the Paralympic champion, Amber Sabatini.

The caravan tour on the safety the guide includes a total of 4 stages, identified at the busiest points of the network, both on the weekends ofexodus – (Secchia Ovest on A1 south, Modena on 5 and 6 August, and Prenestina Ovest on A1 south, Magliano Sabina on 12 and 13 August) – that of counterexodus (Casilina Est on A1 north, Pontecorvo on 20 and 21 August, and Conero Est on A14 north, Ancona on 27 and 28 August), always with opening hours from 10:00 to 18:00.
