exiled opponents of the junta form a government for a civil transition

Gradual diplomatic thaw between Algeria and Mali

“A Panel of Malian Democrats” in exile created parallel bodies and institutions on Saturday. They denounce the “ muzzling » of the political class by “ an illegitimate Malian junta “.

1 min

With our regional correspondent, Serge Daniel

The Citizens’ Assembly of the Civil Transition elected today (Saturday) the members of the government », Indicates a press release dated from Geneva. Thus, the “government” created by the junta’s opponents outside is headed by a renowned Malian magistrate: Mohamed Chérif Koné.

Former first advocate general at the Supreme Court of Mali, he was removed from the order of magistrates for his positions against the military in power. He now bears the title of “Prime Minister” of the parallel government which has seven members, including two women. It also combines the Defense and Protection of the population, according to the press release.

This government transitional civilian is the only legitimate one in Mali “, says this text. This government includes a vice-minister and other holders of positions including Foreign Affairs, Interior and Justicesocial development, Finance and the Economy.

“Nothing will ever be the same again »

Our primary objective is the mobilization of Malians residing inside the country », indicated Professor Aboubacrine Assadek, “Minister of Finance” in the team of opponents in exile. “ Since the launch of our initiative, the voices of opponents have been heard despite the suspension of political activities. Nothing will ever be the same again “, he says.

“The Panel of Malian Democrats” also created a citizens’ assembly led by Adaman Touré, a Malian established abroad. During a Malian presidential election a few years ago, he announced his candidacy, without ultimately running.
