Exiled Iranian Saman is threatened in Sweden

“- Hello,

– Is it Saman Taherpour?

– Yes, who are you?

– I work for the president’s office.

You have been guilty of crimes against the security of the country, against the rules of the Islamic Republic (…) You have participated in public gatherings abroad, you have had a leadership role and your friends have sent us pictures of you.”

Saman Taherpour is at work when he receives the call from Iranian authorities. They have first contacted a family member and explained that they are investigating Saman and want to get in touch with him. When they call him after a while, he is prepared and records the call. TV4 Nyheterna has taken part in the conversation.

Was invited to come to Iran

The man on the phone says that Saman Taherpour has violated Iran’s laws by openly criticizing the regime, as well as having contributed to increasing sanctions against Iran. They urge him to come to Iran.

– They do this often, call and threaten, but no one dares to say anything about it. I want to tell you about this so that they will not have such power in Sweden, says Saman Taherpour when TV4 Nyheterna meets him.

According to the Swedish security police, Säpo, Iran is one of the biggest threats to Sweden, along with Russia and China.

– We know that they deal with intelligence gathering in Sweden, which primarily targets opposition groups and individuals. The aim is to silence critical voices and perceived threats to the own regime, says Karin Lutz, press spokesperson, Säpo.

Participated in protests

In Saman Taherpour’s case, Iran’s irritation is about his participation in several protests after the killing of the Iranian-Kurdish woman Mahsa Jina Amini by the morality police in 2022. He also has a business where he sells clothes and jewelry all over the world with symbols of the monarchy that was overthrown in 1979 of the Islamic regime.

– I am absolutely not a leader. But since I have a fairly strong voice in social media, I choose to use it to get out what I think and think, he says.

The man calling from the Iranian authorities says they are lenient with Iranian exiles if they show remorse for their behavior. Saman does not intend to do that. He instead asks if he is the only one under investigation. The Iranian official then replies that Saman is the main target, but that everyone in the family is under surveillance.

– It is clear that you think twice if they also scare your family, says Saman Taherpour.

After almost 17 minutes of conversation, Saman Taherpour replies that he does not intend to come to Iran as they demand. If they have questions to ask, they can come to Sweden, he says.

Then the man replies:

“- Sure, I will definitely come. Be sure that I will come soon and we will see each other soon.

– I hope so, me

– Very soon… you can wait for me.”

Talked to Säpo

Saman Taherpour has been in contact with the Swedish police and Säpo. According to him, they take the talks seriously. Saman Taherpour refuses to be silenced.

– I am happy that I have poked them in the eyes. That I have managed to get them to the level where they threaten me. But I will resist as long as I exist. I grew up here, in a democratic country. This is what I want in Iran too.

TV4 Nyheterna has contacted the Iranian embassy for a comment but they have not heard back.
