Exhibition on the social and political history of Olympism: “It put nations on the world map”

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A few weeks before the launch of the Paris 2024 Summer Olympic and Paralympic Games, the National Museum of the History of Immigration is presenting, from April 26 to September 8, the exhibition “Olympism, a history of the world”, which looks at the social and political history of the last 30 editions. It highlights the battles and political struggles waged on the Olympic scene since the organization of the first Games in Athens. A beautiful catalog is also available, bringing together 130 years of memorable images, archives and portraits of athletes who have made history. The historian and researcher associated with the CNRS Pascal Blanchard returns, at the microphone of Olivier Rogez, to this exhibition of which he is one of the curators.

The exhibition “Olympism, a history of the world” retraces 130 years of geopolitical, political, social and cultural developments since the creation of the modern Olympic Games.
