executive seeks arms to vaccinate against monkeypox

executive seeks arms to vaccinate against monkeypox

The executive intends to move up a gear in the vaccination campaign against monkeypox. After several days of criticism deploring its small scale until today, the doses are however there, assures the Minister of Health, but not the arms. A decree appears on Tuesday to remedy this.

Some 42,000 doses available, only 6,000 already injected. Appointments difficult to obtain in the opinion of the associations: the French vaccination campaign against monkeypox is not up to scratch.

Critics, half-acknowledged by the Minister of Health, François Braun, who admits that things are not going fast enough: “ We have the doses, it now takes hands to vaccinate, it depends on health professionals. You know like me that they have been under severe strain for a long time, and particularly at the moment, and that is why by an order I am going to increase the possibility of health professionals who will be able to carry out this vaccination; so we will mobilize additional arms. »

Published on Tuesday, July 26, this decree authorizes health students in particular to carry out these vaccinations. At the same time, a dedicated center is opening its doors in Paris, while the Île-de-France counts almost half of the more than 1,500 confirmed cases in the country.

A ramp-up of the device which comes two days after the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the current outbreak of monkeypox a global public health emergency.

Read also: Spain: cases of monkeypox detected in a tattoo parlor in Andalusia
