Executive Procurement School, the third edition of the Enel-SDA Bocconi path concludes

Executive Procurement School the third edition of the Enel SDA Bocconi

(Finance) – The professional training for the development of skills useful for carrying out one’s tasks and for building a solid and lasting company. An education that develops in stages and which, in the supply chain field, takes the form of identifying and selecting the best suppliers, in line with company policy, and capable of creating a reliable and efficient supply chain. This is the objective of the third edition of Executive Procurement Schoola path of excellence that Enel and SDA Bocconi School of Management they reserved to 27 young talents by Enel active in Global Procurement.

In the headquarters in Rome was held today School final ceremony: after the initial greeting of Giuseppe Stabilini (Program Director of SDA Bocconi), spoke Elisabetta Colacchia (Head of People and Organization of Enel), Stefano Ciurli (Head of Global Services of Enel) ed Enrico Zampone (Head of Global Procurement of Enel).

After an initial moment of discussion with top management, i 27 participants presented the three projects which they have been working on as a group over the last few months. Thus ends an excellent training project which provides a complete educational path, capable of combining classroom lessons – SDA Bocconi teachers and managers Is in the – the interventions of external guests and carrying out a “serious game” finale useful for concretely applying the skills learned and experimenting with challenges launched by the top management of Enel Procurement.

Seven modules included in the training coursebased on an all-round procurement approach finance and accounting risk management, sustainability strategy, stakeholder mappingsrelationship with the supplier and development of “softer” skills, how to communicate clearly and effectively and cultivate leadership skills.
