Excise duties, government-opposition tension rises over failure to cut

Excise duties government opposition tension rises over failure to cut

(Finance) – The failure to extend the excise cut ignites the climate between majority and opposition. Today, in fact, an agenda presented by the leader of the Democratic Party was rejected in the ChamberDebora Serracchiani, to the aid quater law decree on the reduction of excise duties on fuel. The majority voted against. In particular, the agenda which has not been approved commits the government to “intervene urgently to restore the reductions in the excise rates applicable to fuels”.

On excise duties on fuel “President Meloni made a dramatic ‘U’ turn for families, especially for the less well-off who will have to face the weight of inflation. When she was in opposition she made videos to say that excise duties needed to be abolished. Now that he is legitimately in government, he has removed the discount”, he sinks Serracchiani, while in the Chamber the Chamber was examining the agenda with his signature aimed at restoring the reduction of excise duties, odg precisely rejected. “Families will pay more not only for fuel, but also for basic necessities. 88% of the goods – he added – are transported by road. Even the local authorities, to which insufficient resources were assigned with the manoeuvre, will have to bear the increase in the price of fuel”.

“Giorgia Meloni when she claims that she never promised to cut excise duties in the electoral campaign is either making fun of us or has a short memory: just consult the program presented by the Brothers of Italy for the policies of three months ago to read the written proposal black on white of ‘sterilization of state revenues from taxes on energy and fuel and automatic reduction of VAT and excise duties'”, writes the senator on Facebook Antonio Misiani, always at PD altitude.

Meanwhile, the M5S, on the occasion of the question time scheduled for tomorrow in the Senate, he filed a question for the Minister of the Economy, Giancarlo Giorgetti, to “to urge the Government on the urgency of adopting immediate and decisive measures to mitigate the effects of inflation on households and businesses and therefore to urge it on the need to restore the discount on excise duties, as well as to increase the taxation on the extra profits of energy companies and on transactions highly speculative financial institutions”. Barbara Floridia, leader of the M5S group in the Senate, and Mario Turco, vice president of the M5S, signatories of the question, communicate this in a note.

Accusations that Prime Minister Meloni returns to the sender. “The opposition points out that in the FdI program there was, among the points, an item on the sterilization of state revenues from energy and fuel, with an automatic “reduction of VAT and excise duties”.
It means that if you have more income from rising fuel prices, you use it to lower taxes. But we didn’t have more income, of course. So this is a very different commitment than “we will cut excise duties”. An objective that we continue to share and on which we will work, but a commitment that we could not make in the current context”, writes Meloni in his comment on Fb to his latest episode of Giorgia’s Notes.

“Instead of spreading 10 billion, we decided to concentrate resources on those who needed them most. We made a choice that I claim and which is one of social justice”

(Photo: bizoon | 123RF)
