Exceptional transport: Giovannini signs a decree for the adoption of the guidelines

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(Finance) – The Minister of Sustainable Infrastructures and Mobility, Enrico Giovanninisigned the decree for the adoption of the Guidelines on “Transport in exceptional conditions“, in implementation of the provisions of decree-law 50/2022, converted into law 91/2022 n. 91, which systemically describe the legislation and illustrate the procedures to guarantee the service in maximum safety for people and infrastructures.

In particular, the Guidelines define, among other things, the methods for verifying the compatibility of transport in exceptional conditions with the conservation of road superstructures, with the stability of the structures and with the safety of traffic. They illustrate the modalities of issuing of the authorization for the transport for mass up to 108t carried out by means of eight-axle vehicle complexes, as well as for the transport in exceptional conditions of a single indivisible piece exceeding the mass limits.

In addition to offering a summary of the regulatory framework for transport in exceptional conditions both nationally and regionally, the Guidelines describe the tasks assigned to the subjects responsible for issuing the authorization for circulation. Furthermore, they propose a mass verification protocol which provides, among other things, the knowledge, monitoring and control of the road superstructure to evaluate the compatibility of exceptional transport, the evaluation of road pavements to the passage of loads, the verification methods compatibility with the stability of artefacts and works of art.
