Exceptional solidarity aid: payment on September 15

Exceptional solidarity aid payment on September 15

The exceptional solidarity aid will be paid to nearly 11 million people, from September 15. To support the French in a context of generalized inflation, the amount allocated will be 100 euros, plus 50 euros per child.

[Mise à jour du 14 septembre 2022 à 18h26] The exceptional solidarity aid, otherwise called “inflation bonus” or “returned bonus”, will be paid from September 15. This exceptional allowance was voted this summer, within the framework of the purchasing power law, to help the French to face inflation which has affected the country in recent months (+5.8% in June 2022 over one year). One month after the first payment of the back-to-school allowance, nearly 11 million households are affected by this bonuswhich can also be combined with the ARS in the event of eligibility for both. “It is aimed at beneficiaries of social minima such as the active solidarity income (RSA), the allowance for disabled adults (AAH) or the solidarity allowance for the elderly (Aspa), recipients of housing aid (APL , ALF, ALS)”, indicates the site of the Public Service. Eligible persons will receive a unique payment of 100 euros or more. The amount paid by the Caisse d’Allocations Familiales will be higher. Payment will be automatically made to the bank accounts of the households concerned.

What will be the amount of the exceptional solidarity aid?

The amount of this new state aid has been set at 100 euros, to which is added an additional 50 euros per dependent child. “In total, the average amount paid by the Caisses d’Allocations Familiales is €133.5“, CAF said in a press release, adding that it will pay this bonus to more than 6.8 million recipients. It should be noted that the reference tax income is not taken into consideration for its allocation. In concrete terms, a family made up of two adults and three children will thus receive 250 euros (the two adults constituting the reference household of 100 euros, plus the 150 euros for the three children).

How to obtain exceptional solidarity assistance?

The steps to benefit from the exceptional solidarity aid are very simple, you have nothing to do. As specified by site from the government, recipients will receive payment “automatically by the organization on which your social minima depend, without any action on your part. For example, if you receive the RSA or the APL, the payment will be made by your family allowance fund. If you are applying for employment, it is Pôle Emploi that will pay you the bonus.” The payment will therefore be made directly to your bank account.
