Exceptional energy check: who is entitled to the 2022 bonus?

Exceptional energy check who is entitled to the 2022 bonus

The second energy check for 2022, quite exceptional, is scheduled to be paid out at the end of the year. The most precarious will be able to pay with their gas, electricity or wood bills. Terms.

[Mise à jour du 24 octobre à 11h04] The mild parenthesis that enveloped the month of October will soon come to an end: the return to seasonal normals is scheduled for this week. What if winter has a 50% chance of looking like a classic cold season? BFM-TVwithout a big cold snapwinter 2022 announces a large thermal amplitude between the expenses that will be made for heating and the temperatures felt in homes. Although it seems, according to the forecasts of Meteo France, that there will not be a massive recourse to heating the next quarter thanks to “the predominance of anticyclonic conditions”, nevertheless, the energy bills will be bitter. The unprecedented inflation that is beating down on gas and electricity has prompted an energy sobriety plan, articulated around a median temperature: 19°. Officially recommended for health but also economic reasons, its maintenance in the household will still cause sacred expenses, which the government wishes to partly assume. It has thus undertaken to pay new financial aid to the poorest 40% of French people, via a second exceptional energy check. So far, the installment date has not been revealed. Contacted by our editorial staff, the government’s DILA press service told us that the aid will fall in December 2022. It remains to know the precise day. As for the beneficiaries, they are determined according to the income received in 2020, and the number of dependent children.

When will the exceptional 2022 energy check be paid?

For the time being, the official date for the payment of the exceptional energy check for 2022 has not yet been revealed. On the other hand, we know that the payment campaign will begin in December 2022. The payment will be made by department and the check will be sent by mail to the beneficiaries.

Since 2018, the energy check has been granted to households as an aid for energy consumption. Therefore, it must be used to pay only certain expenses : bills and energy charges, but also the purchase of fuel (gas, heating oil, wood, etc.) and certain works for your home. This “cheque” is not not cashable by banks. It is only admissible with three types of service providers:

  • Energy suppliers to pay electricity, gas, wood or fuel bills
  • The managers of your accommodation (HLM, EPHAD, EHPA)
  • The companies of renovation to finance energy renovation work (such as installing heat pumps, for example)

He is can be combined with the MaPrimeRénov’ scheme. Thus, you can directly use it online via this platform, where you can create your secure personal space, and carry out all your procedures relating to the energy check. Also to know that the 2022 energy check is valid until March 31, 2023. The validity date is normally written on the back of the check. Suppliers can therefore accept it until this date.

Who is eligible for the energy check?

To be eligible for the energy check, you must complete two conditions to know “live in a dwelling that is subject to housing tax” and “have declared their income to the tax authorities and not exceed a certain amount of resources”. Help is therefore awarded subject to means testing. “To qualify, your household’s annual tax reference income (RFR) must be less than €10,800 per consumption unit (UC)”, indicates the site of the Public Service. For the end of 2022, a second exceptional energy check was deployed to help the “12 million of the poorest households, i.e. 4 out of 10 householdssaid the Prime Minister at a press conference.

What is the amount of the exceptional energy check 2022?

The second exceptional check “comes in addition to the extension of the tariff shield in 2023” through which are announced:

– gas: + 25 euros per month instead of 200

– electricity: + 20 euros per month instead of 180

In 2022, the amount of the exceptional energy check will be 100 or 200 euros, depending on the standard of living of the household. 40% of families, considered to be the most modest, are affected by this aid, ie 12 million families in total. 20% of these most disadvantaged families will receive 200 euros, and households in deciles 3 and 4 (between the poorest 20% and the wealthiest 60%) will receive 100 euros. “For example, a single mother with two children who earns the minimum wage will receive an exceptional energy check of 200 euros and a working couple with two children who earn 3,000 euros net cumulatively will receive 100 euros”, explained Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne. This aid is supposed to curb the announced increase in gas and electricity in 2023, which despite the tariff shield will still increase by 15%. Nevertheless, some households will find it difficult to afford this increase, hence this new exceptional aid, to help them in particular to warm up and to light up decently this winter.

What are the resource ceilings to be able to receive the exceptional energy check?

Revenue less than 13,310 euros200 euros
Revenue between 13,310 and 18,610 euros100 euros

You are eligible for the energy check and yet you still have not received it? In principle, the dispatch takes place automatically by post. But don’t panic, there is a complaints procedure to do in such a situation. For this, you just need to fill in online this form, available on the chequenergie.gouv.fr website. The subject of the request must be “Dispute – Non-receipt”. After entering the various information, your complaint will be processed by a service. And if you don’t want to wait, another option is possible. There is a “energy check” phone number to contact : 0 805 204 805 (available Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.). You will then be put in touch with an advisor who will guide you for your request.

Should the amount be adapted to the region?

In the current state, the mechanism for distributing the exceptional energy check is not fair. This is in any case what deplores the socialist senator of Moselle, Jean-Marc Todeschini. “Giving the same help to a household in Metz or Nice, with an average winter temperature difference of +10°C, is not fair”, indignantly elected on Twitter. On this subject, he challenged the Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne in a letter that he shared online. In it, he asks the minister that the amount of the energy check is “increased for the inhabitants of the departments with the coldest average winter temperatures”. This would make it possible to obtain a “fair and equitable aid” for all French households. For the senator, the energy check as it is imagined today by the government, does not respond to the real difficulties faced by households.

I arrested @Elisabeth_Borne to ask him to modulate household aid according to the climatic realities of each department. Everyone understands that giving the same help to a household in Metz or Nice, with an average winter temperature difference of +10C is not fair. pic.twitter.com/AQgfEQ33vT

Simulator to find out if you are entitled to the energy check

Overall, people eligible for the classic energy check will be those who will also receive the exceptional energy check. To find out if you can claim it, especially if your situation has changed since April (classic payment date), you can do a simulation here.

What are the steps to take ?

As for the exceptional solidarity aid, planned by the government to deal with inflation, To receive the energy voucher, there is no procedure to take. In principle, the tax administration lists the persons meeting the conditions for allocation. This list is then sent to the Services and Payment Agency (ASP), which sends the energy check to the beneficiaries by post.

What is the amount of the 2023 energy check?

To determine the amount of the energy check, the government establishes a scale upstream according to the resources and the composition of the households. As indicated on the website of the Ministry of Economy and Finance, since January 1, 2021, the scale in place is as follows:

RFR / UC < 5,600 euros


≤ RFR /
UC < 6,700 euros


≤ RFR /
UA < 7,700 euros

7,700 euros ≤ RFR /
UC < 10,800 euros
1 CU*194 euros146 euros98 euros48 euros
1 < UC < 2240 euros176 euros113 euros63 euros
2 CUs or more277 euros202 euros126 euros76 euros

In 2023, we can therefore expect that a single person, with a taxable income of less than 5,600 euros, will receive an energy check for a maximum amount of 194 euro. It will also be automatically paid in April 2023, the date depends on each department.
*consumption unit (CU)

Special fuel energy check

In view of the energy crisis, and in order to help households heating with oil, the government has decided to set up other financial aid: a fuel energy check of €100 to €200. It will be paid on November 8, to nearly 1.8 million beneficiary households.
