examinations of the Special Commission on End of Life begin

Assisted dying euthanasia assisted suicide… what are we talking about

In France, the examination of the bill on the end of life begins this Monday, May 13. For a week, the Special Commission of deputies created to address the issue and the complexity of the subject will analyze nearly 2,000 amendments tabled by parliamentarians.

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The deputies kick off this Monday the examination of the bill on the end of life, which plans to open for the first time in France “assisted dying” for certain patients. This societal reform is expected but is also a source of concern. The vital prognosis involved in the short or medium term to resort to assisted dying is the subject, alone, of 400 amendments. Most of the proposed amendments relate to the issue of assistance in dying, provided for in this bill.

Several questions: is the medium term six months? Nine months ? And for the short term, are we talking about a few hours or a few days? Some MPs want to see a clear definition included in the bill. Others see it as too restrictive a condition and simply ask that this line disappear. Other questions remain unanswered: what age for this assistance in dying? Should we talk euthanasia or assisted suicide ?

The bill examined in the National Assembly at the end of May

The 71 members of the Special Commission will have to answer all these questions. The latter first interviewed the stakeholders concerned and specialists such as health professionals, hospital federations, associations and even philosophers.

The 21 articles of the text and the numerous amendments tabled will be examined this week. The bill will then be examined in the National Assembly from May 27.

Read alsoFrance: the “end of life” bill, a text with high stakes for the government
