Ex-track motorcyclist Mika Kallio has a suspended sentence for financial crimes | Sports in a nutshell

Ex track motorcyclist Mika Kallio has a suspended sentence for financial

Mika Kallio, 41, was sentenced to conditional imprisonment.

The district court of Pirkanmaa has sentenced a former track motorcyclist Mika Kallion to a one and a half year suspended prison sentence for financial crimes. In addition, Kallio was sentenced to compensate the Tax Administration for the damage caused by the crime in the amount of 675,000 euros, including default interest.

According to the court, among other things, Kallio hid his assets or otherwise gave misleading information in order to keep his assets out of the reach of his creditors and foreclosure.

Kallio is the most successful Finnish track motorcycle rider in recent years. He drove in the World Series of Track Motorcycling between 2001 and 2020.
