ex-minister Damien Abad indicted for attempted rape

ex minister Damien Abad indicted for attempted rape

Former minister Damien Abad, accused of sexual violence by three women, was indicted this Thursday, May 16 in Paris for attempted rape in 2010 of one of them, AFP learned from a close source folder.

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THE deputy related Renaissance de l’Ain was placed under the more favorable status of assisted witness for the two others, who accused him of rape in 2010 and 2011. In a press release, the politician French of 44 years, defended by Mes Jacqueline Laffont and Robin Binsard, considered that this status of assisted witness “ demonstrated the unfounded nature of the accusations “.

As for his indictment, the forty-year-old assured that he had “not no doubt » that its « innocence ” would be “ confirmed at the end » investigations. This indictment is part of the judicial investigation targeting him since June 21, 2023, on suspicion of rape and attempted rape.

The affair broke out in the spring of 2022, when Mediapart had published testimonies from two women, Chloé – assumed first name – and Margaux, accusing Damien Abad of rape, respectively in 2010 and 2011. Before speaking in the press, the first had indicated that she had made an anonymous report to the ‘Observatory of sexist and sexual violence in politics. The second declared having seen her complaint closed by the Paris prosecutor’s office in 2017.

A third woman also filed a complaint

Their speech in Mediapart had encouraged a third woman, a centrist elected official nicknamed Laëtitia, to testify in turn, then to file a complaint for attempted rape. Laëtitia notably accuses Damien Abad of having tried to rape her during a party organized at his home in Paris, in 2010.

His complaint led to the opening of a preliminary investigation. The deputy, whose parliamentary immunity had been lifted, was placed in police custody on June 7 then released without prosecution. The investigations were then entrusted to two investigating judges, and the three women became civil parties in this case.

Damien Abad was indicted for the facts denounced by Laëtitia. “ The accusations made by my client from the beginning are consistent and cross-referenced by corroborating testimonies, this expected indictment is logical », Reacted Maître Mario Stasi, his lawyer.

The former leader of the LR deputies was appointed in May 2022 Minister of Solidarity, Autonomy and People with Disabilities. The day after his appointment, Mediapart relayed accusations of rape against him. He left the executive at the beginning of July 2022 during the reshuffle.
