ex-Italian champion Davide Rebellin killed in road accident

ex Italian champion Davide Rebellin killed in road accident

Davide Rebellin died on the morning of Wednesday, November 30, while riding his bicycle. The former cyclist was hit by a truck. He was 51 years old.

The world of cycling is in mourning. The Italian media announced on Wednesday the death of Davide Rebellin. The ex-champion, retired since October, was run over by a truck while riding a bicycle in Montebello Vicentino, in the Veneto region. The truck did not stop and Davide Rebellin died instantly.

Olympic vice-champion at the 2008 Games in Beijing, the Italian began his career on the professional circuit in 1992. He notably won seven Classics and gleaned a stage victory in the 1996 Giro d’Italia, during which he ran with the pink jersey for six days. Inefficient on the Grand Tours, Davide Rebellin was reputed to be a one-day runner, hence his record.

However, his career was tainted by a positive test for EPO, several months after the Beijing Olympics. Sentenced to two years of suspension, the one who had earned the nickname “Tintin” was stripped of his silver medal.

Spaniard Alejandro Valverde, among others, paid tribute to him. ” My deepest condolences to the family and friends of Davide Rebellin, a professional colleague and rival for so many years. Rest in peace “, he wrote on Twitter.
