(Telestock) – The Government has called a round table with the unions at Palazzo Chigi on the former Ilva. The meeting will be held on Wednesday, July 24, at 10, in the green room. At the centre of the meeting, union sources report, illustration of the restart plan of Acciaierie d’Italito (AdI).
The call comes after the postponement, requested by the metalworkers’ categories, of the meeting on the redundancy fund that was scheduled for tomorrow.
In the past few hours, meanwhile, Minister Urso has shown himself satisfied with the green light for the bridging loan for the former Ilva by the European Commission of 320 million euros. “We are on the right path, I don’t think it was easy to even imagine it”.
“We have received important and significant news that comforts us that we are on the right track because the Commission has given the green light to the bridging loan. So, at the same time it has confirmed that theThe industrial relaunch plan of the former Ilva commissioners is such as to allow the repayment of the bridging loan within the due time with a rather significant interest rate, the cwhich means that even in what is certainly the most challenging plant, the main steel plant in our country, and of Europe, we are on the right track. I don’t think it was easy to even imagine it.”