Evo Morales is banned from entering Peru

Evo Morales is banned from entering Peru

Published: Less than 1 hour ago

fullscreen Former Bolivian President Evo Morales. Photo: Marco Ugarte/AP/TT

Peru bans Bolivia’s former president Evo Morales from entering the country on the grounds that he may “interfere” in domestic politics. The decision comes at a time of protests since Peru’s Pedro Castillo was ousted and imprisoned.

Nine Bolivians, including Morales, were banned from entry indefinitely, according to Bolivia’s interior ministry.

Morales has voiced his support for the growing protests against President Dina Boluarte who took power in December’s chaotic and coup-like political upheaval in Peru.

Bolivia’s former controversial president Morales has returned to Bolivia from exile since he himself left power in La Paz following protests.

Criticism of Peru’s current president is particularly strong in the region of Puno, which borders Bolivia.
