Everything you wanted to know about employee savings

Everything you wanted to know about employee savings

At the end of May 2024, certain employees are required to make their decision concerning one or more employee savings schemes: theprofit-sharing and the participation bonus. How do they work? What options? What implications? Linternaute.com answers all your questions.

What is employee savings?

Interest, participation, PERCO, PER, PEI… Employee savings refers to the collective savings system set up within your company. In fact, we distinguish two elements:

  • The mechanisms that allow you to build up this savings: profit-sharing and participation.
  • Supports to make these savings grow: PEE (company savings plan), PER (retirement savings plan) or Perco (collective retirement savings plan).

In total, 8.4 million employees benefit from it according to the latest figures published by Drees.
