Everything was felt beforehand! Watch out for the earliest signs of Alzheimer’s

Everything was felt beforehand Watch out for the earliest signs

Alzheimer’s is a medical condition that develops in the form of memory loss, dementia (dementia) and a general decrease in cognitive functions due to the death of brain cells. Although Alzheimer’s disease is known as the disease of old age, it is also seen in those who are caught in this disease at an early age. Early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease is of great importance for the patient and his/her environment.


While there is no cure for dementia, some lifestyle factors can make a difference. “Whatever is good for your heart will also be good for your brain,” Leverenz says. “So exercise, eat a good diet. More and more, we’re seeing people who stay socially active and stay active in other ways in their lives cope with the disease much better. It can even prevent symptoms from starting early. So the usual stuff, be active, stay outside, if Be social if you can. And when people first get Alzheimer’s, it’s very common to have memory loss as one of the first symptoms, loss of interest, so if you know someone who’s becoming more and more withdrawn, aside from things like depression, it’s good to see if they’re active.

