Officially, not many details about 7 vs. Wild are known yet. However, on Reddit, one participant is already busy answering viewers’ questions.
Who is the participant? Outdoor expert Joe Vogel has once again spoken out on the subject of 7 vs. Wild. The candidate recently published an interview in which he revealed previously unknown details about the concept of the show.
However, the participant is also active on Reddit and responds to viewers who express their theories and questions.
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Joe Vogel reveals the details
What did the participant reveal? After the candidates’ announcement, his interview about participating in the survival show, the participant went to the series’ Reddit forum and responded to some comments there.
Joe Vogel’s answers are always tongue-in-cheek and always reflect his perspective.
In one post, questions about confidentiality arise, more specifically Krynne90 asks on Reddit: “How did you do that with the electronic entry permit NZeTA for New Zealand? If someone else had filled it out for you, you would have entered the country illegally.”
Participant Joe Vogel responded on Reddit: “Powers of attorney. Everything was legal and happened without our intervention. Including a work visa.”
What other information does he reveal? Reddit user Pryte believes Joe Vogel clarified beforehand that it would not be a group format. According to him, the participant was not interested in such formats.
Participant Joe Vogel himself responded on Reddit: “No, it was completely unknown.” Another user then suggested on Reddit that this confirmed a group format. The participant responded on Reddit: “Nothing confirmed. Quite the opposite.”
Did he reveal anything else? Reddit user Interesting-Sock-178 asks what the payment is like. According to him, Joe Vogel once said that he would only participate if he was paid his normal daily rate.
Joe Vogel himself responds on Reddit as follows: “I would like to answer this for everyone as follows: […] If you have a job, never make the mistake of letting your performance, work or skills be downplayed. Be aware of your worth. If you put in the effort and invest time, there has to be a balance that is acceptable to you. […]“
However, it remains unknown whether Joe Vogel was really paid or whether the reach he generated through the project was enough reward for his work. Without the participant’s help, resourceful users have found a clue to Fritz Meinecke’s role in the new season of 7 vs. Wild: Fritz Meinecke is not a participant in 7 vs. Wild this year, but fans have found a clue that he is there after all