Everything about traveling to Albania: accommodation, food, culture

Albania, located on the Balkan Peninsula, bordered by the Adriatic and Ionian seas, is an almost untouched gem in Southeastern Europe. Known for its rich history, fascinating landscapes and its multicultural heritage, the country offers a diverse experience for every traveler. With a varied climate, Albania offers snow-capped mountains in the north and sunny beaches in the south. In addition, Albanian culture is a fascinating blend of influences from its Greek, Roman, Ottoman and communist past.

Why should you travel to Albania?

Albania can be a surprising destination for many, and this is exactly what makes it an unforgettable trip. The country’s unique charm lies in its unseen beauty – from its UNESCO-protected historic cities to its fine beaches and impressive mountain ranges.

The country’s rich history is clearly discernible through the architecture and archaeological sites. Here you can visit historic sites spanning several millennia, from ancient Greek and Roman ruins to Ottoman mosques and castles.

The Albanian people are known for their hospitality – you will certainly feel welcome. In addition, the country has a rich food culture, with healthy flavors that reflect the region’s Mediterranean influences.

If you want to explore a destination that is both authentic and not yet over-exploited by tourism, Albania can be a very good choice.

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Best places to visit when traveling in Albania

Albania is filled with countless sights that suit the vast majority of people. Here are some highlights:

  • Tirana: The country’s capital is a bustling metropolis that combines modern architecture with historical monuments. Don’t miss visiting Skanderbeg Square, the National History Museum and the colorful Pyramid of Tirana building.

  • Durrës: Home to some of the country’s best beaches, it is also known for its ancient Roman amphitheatre, one of the largest in the Balkan region.

  • Gjirokaster: Also known as the “Stone City”, this UNESCO World Heritage Site is known for its well-preserved Ottoman architecture and its mighty castle that offers stunning views of the city.

  • Berat: Another UNESCO-listed city. It is known as the “City of a Thousand Windows” because of its many beautiful and traditional houses.

  • Saranda: This coastal town is a popular summer destination with clear water and proximity to the ancient city of Butrint.

  • Krujë: Home to the national Skanderbeg Museum and a charming old bazaar, Krujë offers a glimpse into Albania’s rich history.

  • Theth: For nature lovers, the isolated mountain village of Theth offers fantastic hiking trails and scenery in Albania’s accursed mountains.

  • Food and drink when traveling in Albania

    Albania’s cuisine is as varied as its landscape, with a mix of Mediterranean and Balkan flavors. Here are some examples of what you can expect to find:

  • Byrek: A traditional pie filled with various ingredients such as cheese, meat or vegetables. This versatile dish can be eaten for breakfast, lunch or dinner.

  • Tave Kosi: A delicious lamb dish with a base of yoghurt and egg, often served with rice.

  • Ferry: A traditional Albanian dish consisting of fried paprika and tomato with garlic, often mixed with curd or feta cheese.

  • Brandy: A popular homemade fruit brandy, usually made from grapes, which also comes in versions made from plums or figs.

  • Albanian wines: Albania has a long wine tradition, with indigenous grape varieties providing unique flavors. Try a glass of Kallmet or Shesh.

  • Albania also has a growing cafe and restaurant scene, especially in Tirana, where you can taste everything from traditional Albanian food to international cuisine.

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    How to find hotels and accommodation in Albania?

    Albania offers a range of accommodation options to suit all types of travelers and budgets. In big cities like Tirana and Durrës, as well as popular tourist destinations like Saranda, you can find everything from luxury hotels to budget-friendly hostels.

    For those seeking luxury, hotels such as The Plaza Tirana or Adriatik Hotel in Durrës can offer comfortable rooms with high-class facilities. These hotels often have on-site restaurants, pools, and sometimes even spa services.

    If you are traveling on a tight budget, there are many affordable hostels and guesthouses. These can often provide a more personal and authentic experience.

    For the adventurous, Theth and other mountain areas offer the option of “bujtina” – traditional Albanian accommodation in family-run guesthouses. These places offer a unique insight into Albanian life.

    Culture in Albania – you should know that before the trip

    Albania’s culture is deeply rooted in the country’s rich history, spanning different civilizations and eras.

    The language, Albanian, is unique among Indo-European languages ​​and has survived despite centuries of foreign occupation and influence. There are two main dialects, Tosk and Gheg, spoken in the south and north respectively.

    Albanian music is as varied as the country’s history. Genres vary from traditional polyphonic songs, which are a recognized UNESCO World Heritage Site, to more modern pop and hip hop. Folklore and traditional music are still very present in today’s Albania, especially during festivals and celebrations.

    Albania’s literature also has a long history, with prominent writers such as Ismail Kadare making significant contributions to modern Albanian literature. Kadare is known internationally and has received several prestigious awards.

    The country’s art scene also reflects its cultural richness. Traditional Albanian art can be seen in its many Byzantine churches and icons. The country also has a growing contemporary art scene, with the Tirana Biennale being a prominent example.

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    Albania – your next destination?

    Whether you are an adventurous traveler seeking unexplored mountain trails, a history buff fascinated by ancient ruins, or a foodie looking to discover new flavors, Albania offers a destination that is most likely to enrich and inspire. So, if you’re ready to discover a destination that’s both authentic and not yet overexploited by tourism, it might be time to put Albania high on your travel wish list.
