Everything about the free update 2.0 and 3 things you should do now

The free update 2.0 for Cyberpunk 2077 is released today. The patch completely polishes the base game and is released five days before the Phantom Liberty expansion. So there’s enough time to create a new score or refresh an old one.

Who is the update for? All owners of the base game Cyberpunk 2077 can install update 2.0 starting today. The Phantom Liberty expansion, which will be released on September 26th, does not need to be purchased.

It should be noted, however, that only those who purchase the DLC can access the content of the expansion. Below you can read what the free update 2.0 includes.

By the way, you can read our playtest for 2.0 and the Phantom Liberty expansion here:

Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty in the preview test – The expansion is great, but the real star is Update 2.0

This is what awaits you in Cyberpunk 2077 2.0

With 2.0, among other things, some systems will be updated, new features will be introduced and the UI will be updated.

The new skill system: Cyberpunk 2077’s skill system has been completely overhauled. On the one hand, the layout has been adjusted and there are fewer skills overall, but there are also new ones.

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The way you unlock new skills has also been adjusted: you now always have to have a certain amount of attribute points distributed before new skills become available. What’s also new is that you can take back skill points by clicking on the mouse wheel and then assign them again.

The Cyberwear Update: With 2.0 you get a limit on your cyberwear, which is linked to your points in the technology attribute. Instead of being tied to your clothing, your armor is now tied to your equipped Chrome.

On the left in the new cyberwear system you can see your current limit in yellow. On the right, in blue, is your current armor.

New Vehicle Battles: From now on you can also use your weapons while driving. Certain vehicles can also be reinforced with weapon attachments.

The renewed skill system now also includes hacker skills for cars that you can equip if necessary.

New police AI: The Night City Police Department now has far more personnel and responds to your actions. Depending on what you have committed, they will pursue you more or less intensively. Car and motorcycle chases can now also occur.

Here’s V driving through Night City in a stolen car, with the NCPD hot on his heels.

In addition, 2.0 brings the following things with it:

  • UI adjustments
  • Health items are no longer consumed and reload automatically
  • New radio stations
  • Sprinting doesn’t require endurance
  • New weapon balancing
  • New hardware requirements
  • and many more
  • Three things you should do when installing 2.0

    Revise your skills: The changes to the skill tree mentioned above make a respec almost inevitable. The base game gives you a complete reset, with which you can quickly reset all skill and attribute points to 0. Alternatively, you can get individual points back by clicking on the mouse wheel.

    If you want to dry test your new build, you can do so using CD Project Red’s official character planner.

    You continue to level up your skills by taking the appropriate actions might”.

    Check your cyberwear: With the new armor system, it definitely makes sense to take a closer look at your current equipment. The next cyberwear expert, a trusted Ripperdoc, will help you upgrade and re-equip.

    The higher your technical skills, the more and better cyberwear you can equip. If your in-game money isn’t enough for the big upgrade, you can upgrade parts that already exist.

    Update your hardware settings: With Update 2.0, CD Projekt Red is releasing new hardware requirements for the game. Among other things, support for traditional hard drives will be removed.

    It’s best to open the graphics menu in the settings. There you can set yourself How you want to experience Night City. Alternatively, you can easily start the auto-detection and play with the settings suggested by the game based on your hardware.

    The developer recommends: Start a new game

    Since Cyberpunk 2077 was released at the end of 2020, many players have already put tons of hours into their current game state. However, developer CD Project Red recommends a complete restart to release update 2.0:

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    For our play test linked above, we used an old save game. This also results in our three to-dos presented. With a completely new score, the first two points are of course lost.

    What do you think about it: Are you playing Cyberpunk 2077 or would you like to give Night City another chance with the update? Write it to us in the comments.
