Everything about Niklas Adalberth: Wealth, partner and Klarna

Everything about Niklas Adalberth Wealth partner and Klarna

Niklas Adalberth age – how old is he?

Niklas Adalberth was born on October 19, 1981 and will thus be 44 in the fall of 2025.

Niklas Adalberth’s education – where did he study?

Niklas Adalberth is educated at the Stockholm School of Economics, according to Break it.

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Niklas Adalberth Norrsken – did he found the company?

In 2016, Niklas founded the Adalberth Norrsken Foundation, a non-profit foundation that supports entrepreneurs who want to solve societal challenges.

– I don’t have the billionaire’s habits when it comes to having a yacht or a private jet or anything like that. This is my recipe for happiness, Niklas Adalberth has previously told BBC about why he founded the foundation.

Niklas Adalberth and Erik Engellau-Nilsson outside Norrsken’s office in central Stockholm, 2020. Photo: Magnus Hjalmarson Neideman/SvD/TT Niklas Adalberth Klarna – did he found the bank?

Yes, Niklas Adalberth is co-founder of the Swedish bank Klarna.

Together with the current CEO Sebastian Siemiatowski and Victor Jacobsson he founded the company Kreditor Europe AB in 2005. In 2009 the company changed its name to Klarna.

Victor Jacobsson, Sebastian Siemiatkowski and Niklas Adalberth. Photo: Anders Wiklund/TT

Today, the bank operates in 14 countries and has applied for a stock market listing in the USA, something Nyheter24 previously reported on.

READ MORE: Klarna hidden Victor Jacobsson: The billions and the accident

Does Niklas Adalberth still work at Klarna?

No. Niklas Adalberth left Klarna in 2018 to fully focus on the Norrsken Foundation.

Niklas Adalberth, 2020. Photo: Jonas Ekströmer/TTNiklas Adalberth partner – who is Linnea Sweijer?

Niklas Adalberth is together with Linnea Sweijeraccording to Break it.

Linnea is, just like Niklas, an entrepreneur. In 2011, she founded the e-commerce company Reforma, where she still works today.

Together, the couple lives in a 181 square meter villa in Saltsjöbaden, Stockholm, according to Mrkoll.

READ MORE: Sebastian Siemiatkowski on the multimillion-dollar salary: “I’m not the one who sets it”

Does Niklas Adalberth have children?

Niklas Adalberth and Linnea Sweijer have two children together, according to The Express.

Niklas Adalberth’s wealth – how big is his “net worth”?

In 2022, Niklas Adalberth had a fortune of SEK 6 billion, according to Jönköpings-Posten. That made him Sweden’s 95th richest person at the time.

Niklas Adalberth with Prince Daniel at the awarding of Norrsken Impact 100. Photo: Claudio Bresciani/TT Does Niklas Adalberth have Instagram?

Yes, on Instagram Niklas Adalberth goes by the username @niklasadalberth.

READ MORE: Klarna’s sharp appeal to its customers: “Get in touch”
