Everything about Margaretha af Ugglas: Family, husband and ministerial period

Everything about Margaretha af Ugglas Family husband and ministerial period

Margaretha af Ugglas was Foreign Minister in Sweden and is the sister of Jan Stenbeck, whose life is portrayed in “Stenbeck” at SVT. News24 works out some common questions about AF Ugglas.

Margaretha of Ugglas age – how old is she?

Margaretha af Ugglas was born on January 5, 1939, which means she turns 87 in 2026.

Margaretha af Uggla’s education – what kind of degree does she have?

In Margaretha of Ugglas Biography on Parliament’s website It appears that she studied at Harvard-Radcliffe programs in Business Administration in the United States during the early 1960s. In 1964, she graduated from a business degree at Stockholm School of Economics.

Was Margaretha of Ugglas some of the Moderates?

When Margaretha af Ugglas was active in politics, she represented the Moderates.

Was Margaretha af Uggla’s Foreign Minister?

Margaretha af Ugglas was Sweden’s Foreign Minister, in Carl Bildts Government, between 1991 and 1994. She was thus minister during the dissolution of the Soviet Union.

Russia’s then Foreign Minister Andrej Kozyrev visited Sweden in 1993. Here with then Prime Minister Carl Bildt and Margaretha af Ugglas on Harpsund. Photo: Bertil Ericson/TT
Margaretha af Ugglas, as Foreign Minister, with Queen Silvia and King Carl XVI Gustaf at a reception at the Royal Palace. Photo: Janerik Henriksson/TT

Who was Margaretha af Uggla’s husband Bertil af Ugglas?

Margaretha af Ugglas married in 1966 to the business economist as well as politician Bertil of Ugglas. He was, according to Parliamentson of commander -in -chief free lord Oscar Magnus of Uggla And the Countess Ingeborg Ulla Lewenhaupt.

Bertil af Ugglas was, between 1969 and 1974, party secretary for the Moderates. He died in 1977, at the age of 43.

Does Margaretha have a child of Ugglas?

It is unclear if Margaretha af Ugglas had children.

Margaretha af Ugglas. Photo: TT
How was Margaretha af Uggla’s relationship with Jan Stenbeck?

Margaretha af Ugglas ended up in an infected power struggle with Jan Stenbeck during the 1980s. Together with the sister Elisabeth Silfverstolpe she was challenged when Stenbeck, with the support of her mother Märtha Stenbeckconducted a coup where the principal owner Kinnevik was bought by the subsidiary Fagersta.

At an extra meeting at the cinema Draken in Stockholm, the entire Board of Directors was replaced, according to King Magazine.

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Jan Stenbeck in conjunction with the Extraordinary Assembly at the cinema Draken. Photo: Lennart Nygren/TT

The coup was devastating for the siblings’ further relationship.

– As far as I have understood, they never spoke to each other again, the journalist has Per Anderssonwho wrote the book “Stenbeck – a report on the virtual mill”, told Express.

Also the journalist Jan Almgrenwho wrote the book “The Empire they inherited-the Stenbeck’s power, darkness and billions” and which is behind the acclaimed SvD pod “Dynasty”, states in an interview with Albert Bonnier’s publisher that Stenbeck and Ugglas were never reconciled.

How long was Margaretha by Uggla’s board member of Kinnevik?

According to Margaretha af Uggla’s biography at the Riksdag, she was a board member of Investment AB Kinnevik for a thirteen -year period, between 1970 and 1983.

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What does Margaretha af Ugglas do today?

Margaretha af Ugglas has kept a low profile in recent years and has not done any interviews in the near future. It is therefore unclear what she does today.

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Malin Crépin in the role of Margaretha af Ugglas (left). Photo: Niklas Maupoix/SVT

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However, it is clear that AF Ugglas is to some extent depicted in SVT’s drama series “Stenbeck”, directed by Goran Kapetanović. It’s then Malin Crépin Which does the role of Ugglas.

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