Everyone wants loot without work

Sometimes the developers of World of Warcraft are mean to their players. Now diss everyone who complains about Plunderstorm mode.

Plunderstorm mode has been available in World of Warcraft for a few weeks now. This is an alternative game mode that adapts many elements of well-known “Battle Royale” games. There are numerous rewards here for quick, short PvP battles. Even without winning a round, there is progress.

WoW: Plunderstorm – this is how the battle royale mode works

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What’s the problem with the mode? A battle royale is a PvP event at heart. Although there are also small PvE aspects, such as mobs that you kill, especially at the beginning, in order to collect some skills, the core of the game is the PvP battles, which mainly start after a few minutes.

However, they cause a lot of frustration. Because there are many players who can’t do anything with PvP in any form, but would still like to have all the rewards from the mode. After just a few hours there were calls for a “PvE variant” of the mode in which you simply defeat NPCs and no PvP is possible.

Many people don’t seem to understand that something like this would reduce the meaning of the entire mode to absurdity.

What has Blizzard done now? At the beginning of April, it is tradition in World of Warcraft to publish a few “fake patch notes” in the official WoW forum, just as a joke on April 1st. These are usually quite amusing, but sometimes the developers also use this event to hold a mirror up to the community. This time they’re making fun of the very players who want a “peaceful” Plunderstorm mode where you can simply collect the rewards without PvP. The patch notes say:

We’ll be releasing a full non-PvP sequel to Plunderstorm very soon. There is no PvP at all in this event and it’s super easy to get all the rewards since they’re just lying around on the ground in the relative safety of the starting zones! Keep an eye out on your calendar for this relaxing in-game activity called “Noble Garden.”

The Nobel Garden, in turn, is World of Warcraft’s Easter event that is currently taking place. The rewards are actually just lying around, because (for most of the rewards) you just have to open colorful eggs that you can find in Goldhain or on Blade Hill.

This is how the community has fun: The World of Warcraft subreddit is having a lot of fun with these patch notes. Under the title “Shots Fired” many are discussing the current state of the game and especially the Plunderstorm mode. Most people find this joke quite successful. They are of the opinion that you can easily tell from the comments who understands a joke and who doesn’t. Accordingly, there are also those who didn’t find it funny at all – and thus become the target of others again.

What do you think of this somewhat nasty “diss” from the WoW developers? Do the players in question deserve this or is Blizzard treating paying customers disrespectfully?

A few days ago they openly admitted that WoW definitely learns from mistakes.
