Everyone loses weight with this method! It’s very simple to do

Everyone loses weight with this method Its very simple to

Obesity and overweight are one of the biggest problems of our time. The fact that fast food culture is widespread and easily accessible around the world, and access to healthy food is getting harder day by day, making a healthy and fit appearance more difficult. With the addition of working at a desk, inactivity and leaving the house less for more than 2 years due to Covid-19, the number of people who gained weight reached millions. Experts explained interesting, easy but effective weight loss methods with their research.


The most effective way to lose weight is to pay attention to what you eat. A study by the Journal of the Association for Consumer Research found that people who dine in mirrored rooms are more likely to find fruit salad tastier than chocolate cake. You can eat less by placing a mirror in the area where you eat.


According to Penn State University in the US, starting a meal with a delicious soup will reduce calorie intake by 20 percent. You are much more likely to eat the main meal in a smaller portion with the feeling of fullness that the soup will give.


One study found that people who wore vanilla-scented accessories lost, on average, a little over half a pound in a month. Experts suggested that the scent of vanilla suppresses the appetite.


You will eat less when the color of your food does not match the plate on which it is served. Studies revealed that people ate 30 percent less when eating pasta with tomato sauce on a red plate than when eating pasta on a white plate. But if you want to eat more vegetables, opt for green plates.


You can eat less by buying smaller plates and bowls instead of the normal portion plates you use at home. One study found that people put 9.9 percent more soup in larger bowls.


According to a University of Birmingham study, when we’re distracted, our brains don’t pay attention to what we’re eating. In addition, a study conducted in the USA found that people who never eat in front of the television are 40 percent less likely to be obese.


Eating eggs in the morning instead of cereal and bread means you’ll eat less throughout the day. A study conducted in the USA discovered that women who preferred eggs over bagels lost 65 percent more weight after six weeks.

Scientists believe this effect is due to eggs keeping people full for longer.


By extending the normal night’s sleep by 2 more hours, you will burn 270 calories a day. A study in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine found that volunteers who slept six and a half hours a night ate less food by lying down an extra two hours a day over a two-week period.
