Everyone is experiencing this situation! Makeover your boring sex life

Everyone is experiencing this situation Makeover your boring sex life

When starting a relationship, everything seems almost perfect. Minor errors are ignored. Everything is taken from the bottom. Your communication with your partner is almost perfect, and your sex life is quite colorful and passionate. However, when the honeymoon phase comes to an end and a few years are added to it, some things start to change. For some reason, the first thing that changes in most couples is their sex life.

If your sex life isn’t what it used to be, if you’ve been procrastinating all the time, even if your sex is just a hug once in a while, you’ve entered a boring routine cycle! The most important way to break this is to add innovation to your relationship.

Los Angeles-based sex therapist Nazanin Moali, on her podcast “Sexology”, said, “Good sex, even great sex, can be boring with someone you care deeply about. While innovation isn’t the solution to all sexual difficulties people may face in their relationships, it’s an important component of bringing passion back. ” she says.


According to clinical sexologist and sexuality educator Lawrence Siegel, one reason for this cooling is mutual trust that matters in long-term relationships. And that often leads to “perfectly comfortable, predictable sex,” he says.


Many experts emphasize that the most important key to making sexual relations exciting is innovation. Sex therapist Emily Jamea, host of the Love and Libido podcast, says that couples overthink having sex. James: “You worry if you overthink what you want to do. This reduces sexual pleasure. Start small, don’t wait until evening and go to the bedroom to have sex. You can do it wherever you are. It is very important to maintain the excitement.” says.
