Everyone is asking this! Who will Turkey stand with? ‘If the Serbia-Kosovo war breaks out…’

Everyone is asking this Who will Turkey stand with If

While the war between Russia and Ukraine has been going on for more than 5 months, this time the tension in the Balkans caused the whole world to be on the edge. Plate tension between Serbia and Kosovo gained a new dimension last night when Kosovo Serbs closed the border crossings with Serbia in the north of the country. Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic announced that they would not surrender, that NATO’s Kosovo Force (KFOR) was ready to intervene if stability in northern Kosovo was in danger, and that the Kosovo government had delayed the decision with Serbia, which caused the crisis, for a month. In the context of all these developments, striking statements came from Security Specialist Abdullah Ağar about the role of Turkey, which is in close dialogue with the countries of the region and has influence, in case a war breaks out in the Balkans. While emphasizing that Turkey would adopt a conciliatory stance in the Balkans, Ağar stated that it would be difficult to remain neutral in case of war and said, “If a war breaks out in the Balkans, it will necessarily force Turkey to take a side in that war.”

MYNET SPECIAL / Recep Demircan


While the Russia-Ukraine war continues, will the tension in the Balkans turn into war?

If someone wants to turn it into war, it will turn into war. After all, the Balkans is an extremely fragile and manipulated geography. We see that both the USA and Russia are involved. More precisely, we understand them from their explanations.
On July 26, the President of Kosovo and the Prime Minister of Kosovo are having a meeting with the US Secretary of State Blinken, and on the same day, it is announced that such a decision will be implemented. In the statement made by the US Embassy in Kosovo, it is stated that the relations in Serbia were discussed. Thereupon, tensions arise with the reactions and actions of the Serb minority living in Kosovo. It is clear that tension will arise. In our world, it is false to say, “The Serb minority living in Kosovo did this on their own”.


Is Serbia or Russia behind the Serbian minority? I think both. Because after all, Serbia is the most important Russian ally in the Balkans. Serbs obviously still see Kosovo as part of themselves. As such, this application of a material that means Serbia’s sovereignty in Kosovo and that it can use in the future causes a fight. Someone wants to use it. Russia urges respect for the rights of Serbs living in Kosovo.



I came across applications similar to this photo in Kaliningrad, Moldova, Transnistria, Donbass and Karabakh. Issuing your own passport or giving a Russian passport to your ethnic minority or non-you; When you do this, you can intervene and produce justifications by saying ‘My minority’s rights have been usurped here’. There is such a practice since the Russian Tsarist culture. Serbs are doing a similar thing against Kosovars. The Kosovars are trying to eliminate it, but they are not alone in trying to remove it, the Americans are behind them. Then the subject goes elsewhere; corresponds to a global struggle far beyond a regional or local tension. From our point of view, this is very important in its size. For now, the parties poked each other. Now they have taken a step back.

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic


NATO’s Force in Kosovo (KFOR) has made a statement that it is ready to intervene if stability is threatened. “We will not surrender,” Serbian President Vucic said. What awaits us in the coming days?

There is a new photograph shaped by the US intervention in 2008. After Kosovo declared its independence, there was a 78-day war, the US and NATO’s intervention, and then there is a photo of Kosovo recognized by 117 countries but not recognized by some former Eastern Bloc or Eastern Bloc countries, including Russia, China, Greece and Serbia. There is a photo based on reciprocity in the middle. Kosovo wants to exercise this right related to its sovereignty. But someone also wants to exploit it. Desiring a war comes with calculating the risks it will produce. Central Europe has warmed up, the Baltic has warmed up, and heating the Balkans is extremely risky for the future of the world, of Europe. European countries are certainly negotiating.

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti

“Forces Turkey to Become a Party”

Minister Çavuşoğlu made a statement saying “Turkey fulfills its duties”. What will be the attitude of Turkey in case of escalation and war?

Turkey has a very serious effect on both Kosovo and Serbia, its closeness, brotherhood, or rather a brotherhood. Turkey never wants instability in the Balkans, does not want bloodshed. We have very strong ties there, both religiously and ethnically, in terms of humanity. Turkey always adopts a conciliatory stance in the Balkans, but if a war breaks out, active neutrality becomes much more difficult, as in the Ukraine war. If a war breaks out in the Balkans, it will necessarily force Turkey to take a side.

