Everyone does it but you should never do it! It has a toxic effect when consumed together.

Everyone does it but you should never do it It

It’s not a good idea to mix fast and slow digesting ingredients; because when the other is fully digested, the lighter materials will pass through the gut as is. This results in food fermentation in your stomach, which can poison the entire body. It causes slow digestion and fermentation of sugars and starches and does not allow you to enjoy your food as it should. In addition, the fermentation process can cause gas, bloating and pain in the stomach, as well as intestinal problems.


Once they reach the stomach, the fermentation process begins, the acid released for digestion in the abdominal cavity can cause many digestive problems. Here are other food combinations you should never try:

Fruits take a lot of time to digest and they should never stay in the stomach for long. If you eat fruit after a meal, “fruit” forms in your stomach, which can cause acid reflux and other digestive problems.

Say goodbye to pasta with cheese

Pasta is rich in starches, which have a different digestion time than protein; so this delay inevitably leads to fermentation and digestive problems. The same goes for pasta and meat.

Meat and cheese omelet is one of the favorite dishes of millions, but you should avoid putting too much protein on the same plate.


You should not consume orange juice with bread or noodles, as the amount of acid required to digest orange juice can destroy the enzyme responsible for starch digestion. Because these fruits should be consumed alone, not together with other fruits.



Sometimes fruit is added to the yogurt bowl for breakfast, but this combination slows down your digestion and harms your gut flora. This is especially true when adding pineapple to yogurt, which increases the amount of active ingredients that can cause food poisoning.
