Everyone does it, but never have it with tea for breakfast.

Everyone does it but never have it with tea for

It was noted that tea and eggs should not be consumed together. For years, many people have actually made a mistake by consuming this duo together.


We said that eggs and tea are indispensable for breakfast. We’re so confused. What’s wrong with consuming these two together?

The explanation of the experts is actually quite clear. According to this explanation, it is very inconvenient to consume eggs and tea together. According to experts, the iron in eggs is prevented from being absorbed by the body when consumed with tea.


Iron deficiency is a serious problem and should not be neglected. When there is iron deficiency, many functions of the body do not work.

  • The most important symptoms of iron deficiency in the body are as follows.
  • Fatigue and constant sleepiness.
  • Persistent tiredness despite just waking up.
  • Concentration problems and attention deficit
  • Indifference to what is happening around.
  • Problems such as panting during physical activities. For example, when climbing stairs
  • Nausea with dizziness and blackouts
  • Recurrent headaches.
  • These are very serious problems. You should definitely go to a doctor. (Liberty)
