Every third Ukrainian ready to give up land

More and more Ukrainians may consider making some territorial sacrifices to Russia in order to end the war.

According to a survey conducted by the Kyiv Institute of Sociology (KIIS), there has been a tripling in just the last year, Kyiv Post writes.

Does not accept Russia’s current demands

The survey was conducted in May and June this year. 55 percent stated that they would oppose such a proposal, while 32 percent could imagine it.

But not on any terms.

According to the survey, there are many who would not accept “Russia’s current demands” and great importance is placed on preventing future invasions.

NATO is the only solution

According to previous surveys conducted by KIIS, it has been shown that Ukraine is not willing to accept security agreements such as the Budapest Memorandum and the so-called Minsk Protocol.

Instead, many believe that NATO membership is the only way to guarantee the country’s security. If this does not happen, they believe that a corresponding solution must be established.
