Every third municipality requires crisis money for the school

More than one in three municipalities believe that the state must now provide more money in order for them to be able to run the primary school.

This shows a survey carried out by Nyheterna.

– I am very worried about how we will get through the year. We are completely dependent on the state grants to balance the budget, says Leif Carlsson, head of school in Töreboda.

A survey conducted by TV4 Nyheterna among the country’s municipalities shows that 118, i.e. 72 percent of the 164 who responded, believe that the state needs to push for more money in order for them to cope with the strained situation in primary schools. One of them is Töreboda municipality in Västergötland.

– We received reduced grants for 2023 by seven million kroner, and that is a lot for a small municipality like Töreboda. We need more general support from the state, not targeted grants that we are forced to use for targeted efforts, but general money that we can distribute as we see fit, says the head of school in Töreboda municipality Leif Carlsson.

Needs increased support

In Nyheterna’s survey, only ten municipalities, 6 percent answered no to the fact that they believe the state should step in with increased support for the municipality’s elementary schools. 36 municipalities were uncertain.

But even though the need for increased support seems great, the education minister does not want to make any promises about extra money.

– I assume that we will continue to invest heavily in the school, that is important. But it is also important to mention that the municipalities are responsible for the majority of the school’s funding. The school is municipalised, says Education Minister Lotta Edholm (L).
