Every second voter: The government has broken promises

Every second voter The government has broken promises

Published: Just now

full screen The government has only been in office for barely two months, but already the voters feel that they have broken their promises. Archive image. Photo: Christine Olsson/TT

More than every second voter believes that the government has not lived up to its election promises. Mainly when it comes to the price of petrol and electricity, according to DN/Ipsos.

Before the election, the government issued concrete, numerical promises about fuel price reductions and compensation for electricity customers. In none of these areas has the government delivered what was promised.

53 percent answer in the survey that the ruling parties (M, KD, L together with SD) only live up to the promises they made before the election to a small extent. The percentage who believe that the government coalition has delivered to a large extent is 15 percent.

On the follow-up question to the dissatisfied voters about which areas they are most dissatisfied with, 35 percent answer the price of fuel, 23 percent answer electricity/energy and 11 percent answer environmental and climate issues.

The survey is based on 1,281 interviews with people entitled to vote during the period 15-28 November.
