Even on the eastern border of Finland, completely new offensive forces may come

Even on the eastern border of Finland completely new offensive

The Russian Defense Minister has previously said that Russia is strengthening its military forces in response to NATO expansion. The heavy war loss against Ukraine has given momentum to Russia’s plans.

Risto Mattila,

Taina Nuutinen-Kallio

A Russian who supports the administration of President Vladimir Putin Izvestija newspaper Russia will establish a completely new type of force: a reconnaissance and assault brigade.

Ylen’s military expert Marko Eklund according to the report, it could be roughly the size of a Russian special forces brigade, around 2,000 to 3,000 soldiers.

– However, we are not talking about any light guerilla force, but about a very capable force. The brigade’s armament has been planned for, among other things, battle tanks, lighter armored vehicles, artillery and various helicopter equipment, says Eklund.

As its name suggests, the brigade would include reconnaissance units that would conduct reconnaissance in the enemy’s close quarters, as well as assault divisions that would attempt to break into the enemy’s defense group.

The Russians don’t have similar forces yet. The new troop type has been born based on the experiences gained in Ukraine.

– This is an aggressive troop type designed for offensive missions, in the attack on Ukraine the troop got stuck in defensive positions. Problems were observed in advancing in areas where the defending enemy had time to fortify and in urban warfare skills, Eklund estimated.

All armies would be supplemented with the new brigade

The new type of reconnaissance and assault brigade is supposed to be attached to all Russian armies and military units, which total about twenty in different parts of the country.

So it is not about a solution tailored to the Finnish border.

In the immediate area of ​​Finland, this would mean new forces of three thousand soldiers in the 6th Army of the Western Military District located in the vicinity of St. Petersburg and in the 14th Army Corps of the Northern Navy located in the Petsamo-Alakurtti area in the north.

A new threat to Finland’s security?

What kind of threat do the planned forces pose to Finland’s defense?

– A single group in itself does not constitute any kind of threat. We saw that before the war in Ukraine, Russia gathered troops as far as the Far East for half a year for an attack. They are just part of the improving performance of a larger group, says Eklund.

– The new troops are just one tool in the toolbox. Moreover, they are only being planned.

Russian military forces are currently stuck in Ukraine. On what schedule could the new troops be brought and equipped to the neighboring areas of Finland?

– For example, the troops of the 6th Army in the St. Petersburg region are fighting in Ukraine, Eklund states.

According to him, it is difficult to estimate when the forces would be assembled. Eklund believes it could take years. Russia also has no spare equipment now.

– It’s just a matter of a plan that may or may not come true, says Eklund.

The plans are familiar in the Defense Forces

Deputy commander of the Jääkäri Brigade located in Sodankylä Ari Mure says that Russia’s plans will not affect Lapland in any way yet.

– So far, the new troops of the Russian armed forces do not cause measures in Lapland, Mure formulates. Mure says that Russia’s plans for new forces have been known.

– Yes, Russia has openly talked about them in the media, Mure states. Openness on the issue is Russia’s way of communicating its military readiness.

Mure states that, of course, there is always the possibility of a threat in military movements, but at least for the time being, Mure is not worried about Lapland’s security. Nothing concrete has yet happened regarding the troops.

– We are monitoring the situation, the deputy commander says.
