Even if you’re very careful, the backs of pots and pans will inevitably get dirty. But a product from your fridge will help you easily remove all those brown and greasy stains.

Even if youre very careful the backs of pots and

Even if you’re very careful, the backs of pots and pans will inevitably get dirty. But a product from your fridge will help you easily remove all those brown and greasy stains.

You are probably familiar with this problem: even if you take care of them, the back of your pans and saucepans inevitably turns black, dirty with cooking residue. Despite your efforts to clean them regularly, these stains seem indelible. Don’t panic, there are several effective methods to restore your kitchen utensils to their original shine.

Classic tips are often the most effective. Baking soda is a great ally. To use it, simply mix a little baking soda with water to make a paste. Apply this paste to the surface to be cleaned and rub gently with a non-abrasive sponge or brush. This method removes residue without damaging your pan. Another natural option is to use soda crystals. Sprinkle some on the back of your pan, leave it on for a few minutes, then scrub and rinse. This technique is particularly effective for stubborn stains.

Lemon is also a miracle ingredient for cleaning the underside of your pans. Cut a lemon in half and rub the black surface directly with half of the lemon. The acidity of the lemon helps dissolve burnt food residue and restores the shine to your utensils. For even more effectiveness, you can add a little fine salt to the surface to be treated before rubbing with the lemon.

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However, an even more surprising method might just become your favorite: ketchup. Yes, you read that right, that sauce you use to accompany your fries can also be used as a cleaning product for your pans! That’s because it contains acetic acid, a component of vinegar, which is very effective at dissolving burnt food residue.

In practice, spread a generous layer of ketchup on the back of your pan and let it sit for between 15 and 30 minutes. Then, take a sponge or a soft brush and scrub gently. You will be surprised at how easily the stains come off. Once you have finished scrubbing, rinse thoroughly to remove all traces of sauce. This method is not only effective, but also very economical and environmentally friendly, as it reduces the use of harsh chemicals.

By using these natural and effective methods, you can extend the life of your pots and pans and keep them in good condition. Clean your utensils regularly to prevent stains from building up and damaging the surface. And the next time you see a stubborn black stain, remember: a little ketchup can work wonders. Try this trick and restore your cookware to its former glory effortlessly and without chemicals!
