Even if you never do sports, you have a much more powerful muscle than all the others. And there is a good chance that it is also the most beautiful, not to say the most attractive …
Among the 600 muscles that make up human anatomy, some are distinguished by their size, their power or their essential role in our daily lives. Among them, one in particular deserves our attention, both for its imposing size and for its functional importance. And contrary to what is said, it is not the language that holds the title of the biggest muscle in the human body-it is not even a muscle, but an organ made up of a set of seventeen muscles.
The muscle in question is at the heart of many essential movements on a daily basis, whether it is to get up with a chair, climb stairs or run to catch a bus. It is he who allows the human body to remain stable in a standing position or, on the contrary, to pull the thighs back during the race and the walking. But although it is essential to ensure our mobility and our stability, we tend to forget it.
This muscle is the big buttocks. Also known as the Grand Glotéal (or Gluteus Maximus For scientists), it is the largest and one of the most powerful in the human body. Located at the back of the hip, it gives the buttocks their characteristic shape and plays a crucial role in the extension, external rotation and the abduction of the hip.
Please note, it is not our buttocks alone. These, in addition to the large buttocks, are also made up of the buttocks (gluteus medius), which is the deepest muscle, of the little buttocks (Glutæus minimus), piriform muscle, tendons and ligaments.
To return to our large buttocks, it consists of robust muscle fibers which give it an exceptional force, much greater than that of the thigh muscles for example. It is essential in walking as in standing and contributes, from the more general, to our maintenance and on our back, by supporting our basin and our spine.
To maintain it and strengthen it, you must regularly practice physical activities, in particular exercises such as squats, slits and jumps, bridges, hip extensions, earth lifting or abductions. Disciplines such as dance, yoga or pilates are also very effective. Because, in addition to the aesthetic aspect, the strengthening of glutes is necessary to avoid different health problems, such as low back pain or hip osteoarthritis.
In short, even if you only see it in a mirror, remember to maintain it, for your physical shape as for your silhouette!