Even after 20 years, this blockbuster hasn’t lost any of its momentum

Even after 20 years this blockbuster hasnt lost any of

With The Swarm, the next lavishly filmed doomsday story is announced. While we eagerly await the adaptation of Frank Schätzing’s bestseller expect, there is the opportunity to watch a modern classic of the genre on television tonight. We’re talking about The Day After Tomorrow.

The mixture of sci-fi, action and disaster film directed by master of destruction Roland Emmerich was released in cinemas in 2004 and tells of a devastating ice agethat surprises mankind. Whole swaths of land will be destroyed as we follow the relentless struggle for survival in the streets of New York.

  • Today on TV: The Day After Tomorrow airs tonight, February 23, 2023 at 8:15 p.m. on VOX. The repeat will follow on Friday, February 24, 2023 at 10:15 p.m. Alternatively, you can stream the film on Disney+.
  • Blockbuster on TV today: The Day After Tomorrow provides thrilling sci-fi action

    Before the earth turns into an ice desert, we meet the paleoclimatologist Jack Hall (Dennis Quaid). During an Antarctic expedition, he almost loses two colleagues when an ice floe breaks away. He then takes a close look at the data and is shocked to find that the climate changed drastically.

    You can watch the trailer for The Day After Tomorrow here:

    The Day After Tomorrow – Trailer (German)

    However, his warning goes unheeded. No matter how hard Jack tries to convey the seriousness of the situation, in the end he has to take matters into your own handsto save his son Sam (Jake Gyllenhaal), who is stranded with his girlfriend Laura (Emmy Rossum) in devastated New York after the aforementioned tidal wave.

    The fact that Roland Emmerich is very good at letting the world go under is no longer a secret in 2023. Much more exciting is therefore the question of which of his films den test of time consists. Next to the bombastic alien invasion Independence Day, The Day After Tomorrow is definitely one of the films that will stay.

    Starting with iconic images like that frozen statue of liberty through to the gripping action scenes that let us feel both the destruction of the environment and the conflicts between the characters: a lot is right here. The Day After Tomorrow may seem conventional at first glance. Ultimately, however, it is one of the most robust blockbusters of its kind. It will still be on TV in 20 years.

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