Evan Gershkovich, an American journalist captured by Russia, says in a letter home that he is not losing hope

Evan Gershkovich an American journalist captured by Russia says in

Russia arrested Gershkovich in late March and accuses him of espionage. It is the first time since the collapse of the Soviet Union that an American journalist has been accused of spying in Russia.

American journalist captured by Russia Evan Gershkovich has written a letter from prison to his parents in the United States, The Wall Street Journal newspaper says (you will switch to another service).

In his letter, Gershkovich says that he is optimistic about the future and that he has not lost hope.

He also tries to calm his worried parents by joking about the food in Lefortovo prison.

– For breakfast we get hot wheat porridge, oatmeal or wheat porridge. I remember my childhood, he writes.

Gershkovich confirms that he received a package sent to him, which is intended to make his life in prison easier. The package includes, among other things, hygiene products and clothes.

– I think I now have more clothes and things than mom and dad have at home, he writes in his Russian letter.

First contact with parents

This is the first time that Gershkovich has communicated to his family from prison.

So far, he has only been allowed to see his Russian lawyers.

Gershkovich’s mother Ella Milman tells the Wall Street Journal that he is very happy about the letter.

– These are definitely my son’s words, not written by someone else. His soul is bright, Milman said.

The United States is demanding Gershkovich’s release

Russian authorities arrested Gershkovich in late March while he was on a business trip in Yekaterinburg.

He is accused of spying for a foreign power.

Gershkovich has worked in Russia as a Wall Street Journal correspondent. Both the paper and the reporter have denied the espionage allegations, and the United States called the charge ridiculous.

The United States has also criticized Russia for not allowing Gershkovich to meet the staff of the US Embassy in Russia.

It is the first time since the collapse of the Soviet Union that an American journalist has been accused of spying in Russia.
