Swedish forests are expected to act as a much stronger carbon sink than Finland.
The Swedish Parliamentary Elin Miljömålsberedningen, which assesses climate emissions, gives an assessment of how well Swedish forests and soil have met the EU climate targets.
Swedish Broadcasting SVT In the interview, members of the evaluation body tell us that the goals will not be realized nearby.
“I think the goals are inaccessible and our politicians have to say it directly,” says the Christian Democrats Carl-Wiktor Svensson.
In December, the Swedish Environmental Agency introduced a climate emission inventory, according to which forests and soil carbon sinks should increase by 19 million tonnes by 2030. According to members of the evaluation body, this is impossible and the pharynx has actually decreased.
– Net sink has been reduced as forest growth has slowed down as felling has increased and [metsäjätteen] Natural breakdown accelerated, says the Climate Analyst of the Environmental Agency Malin Kanth.
Green Maria Gardfjell The goal can be achieved, but it requires political will.
The climate targets of EU forests and soil are included in the so-called. To Lulucf setting.