Europe’s largest carnivorous and terrestrial dinosaur found in England

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The dinosaur, which has not yet been given a scientific name, is called “White rock spinosauride” by the researchers based on the geological layer in which the bones were found, writes Reuters.

– The size of this copy is impressive. It is one of the largest – and possibly the largest – known land predators that has ever existed in Europe, says paleontologist Chris Barker, who led the study, the results of which have now been published in the scientific journal Peer J Life & Environment.

Cousin with the world’s largest

The researchers found bone parts belonging to the back, hips and tail as well as fragments of limbs. However, no teeth or other parts belonging to the skull have been found.

Based on a series of small tracks on the top of the tailbone, the researchers conclude that it belonged to a group of dinosaurs called spinosaurids.

This includes the species Spinosaurus, which lived in North Africa about 95 million years ago and is considered to be the longest known carnivorous dinosaur that lived on land.

The spinosaurs could grow up to 15 meters long and had skulls reminiscent of crocodiles, with cone-shaped teeth that were specially adapted to catch slippery prey. It feeds mainly on aquatic prey and other dinosaurs.

Found by dinosaur hunters

Most of the fossils on the Isle of Wight were found by the famous dinosaur hunter Nick Chase, who died just before the corona pandemic. writes the BBC.

Jeremy Lockwood, one of the co-authors of the study, tells how he participated in the search together with Nich Chase and found a part of the pelvis that was perforated in several places.

– We believe that they were caused by biting larvae of a type of biting beetle. It is an interesting idea that this huge predator ended up being an insect meal, he says.
