Europeans 2024, live: Hollande annoys Glucksmann and creates unease at the PS

Europeans 2024 live Hollande annoys Glucksmann and creates unease at

François Hollande will participate in a meeting in support of Raphaël Glucksmann three days before the European elections. A return that embarrasses even the boss of the PS.

12:28 – François Hollande will be in a meeting for Glucksmann’s list on June 6

Three days before the European election, the former President of the Republic will demonstrate his support for the PS and Place publique list during a meeting in Haute-Vienne, alongside Raphaël Glucksmann’s running mate, Gulsen Yildirim. François Hollande gave his support to this list last January. But his involvement in the campaign raises some eyebrows.

12:01 – Mélenchon, presidential candidate on the evening of the European elections? LFI denies

The hypothesis is raised by Challenges in his Newsletter: Jean-Luc Mélenchon could wait until the evening of June 9 to declare himself a candidate for the 2027 presidential election. Hypothesis firmly denied by the entourage of the founder of La France insoumise with Politico : “neither the 10th, nor the 11th, nor the 12th, nor the 13th…” A close friend of Mélenchon points out that the latter is not in the habit of announcing his candidacies “in isolation in his corner”, but the generally submits to a citizen vote.

11:41 – François-Xavier Bellamy says “no” to cohabitation after the Europeans

“We tell you no, that’s perfectly clear.” The head of the LR list once again denies rumors about negotiations between Emmanuel Macron and his party with a view to a government agreement after the European elections. “There is no negotiation. Who has an interest in spreading such rumors, if not the President of the Republic himself?” Accuses Bellamy on RTL.

The MEP brushes aside the rumors concerning Eric Ciotti and Gérard Larcher: “Eric Ciotti, he has defended the principle of a right of opposition since his election at the head of the Republicans. Gérard Larcher said that he was obviously not candidate for a coalition government.”

11:19 – Léon Deffontaines denounces the “two failures of the left”

“I am 28 years old and I have observed two failures of the left,” analyzes the communist candidate on France 2. “The first is that of François Hollande, this so-called left of government, this liberal left which continued to betray the workers”, continues Léon Deffontaines. “And on the other side, there is the failure of the outrageous left, that which is embodied by Jean-Luc Mélenchon and by Nupes during the legislative elections.” The head of the PCF list “wishes to write a new page”.

10:54 – Marie Toussaint “calls for general mobilization”

“I’m calling for general mobilization! We need as many deputies as possible,” says the head of the environmentalists’ list on TF1. While her list is struggling in the polls, far from Yannick Jadot’s good score in 2019 (13.4%), Marie Toussaint analyzes this loss of enthusiasm: “We have obtained progress thanks to the vote for the environmentalists in 2019: for nature, for the climate, for justice Since then, the lobbies have reorganized, they have developed an anti-ecology and anti-ecologists discourse. They constantly explain to us that ecology is the cause of. unhappiness of farmers, while it is the economic model that was put in place by the majority that weighs on them.”

Marie Toussaint denies being responsible for the farmers’ anger: “We voted against the CAP and the Green Pact stopped before starting on agriculture. So the uneasiness that was expressed is not in no case linked to the decisions of environmentalists, we did not participate in them.”

10:35 – End of thermal engines: “We must take responsibility for this decision”, declares Manon Aubry

Manon Aubry is questioned this morning about the end of the sale of thermal cars in Europe from 2035, voted on in the European Parliament. “I think we must accept this decision because a vehicle with a thermal engine is six times more polluting than a vehicle with an electric motor. But the question that is asked, and which is, somewhere, an unthought of this decision , it’s social acceptability”, points out the head of the rebellious list on RMC. For the latter, the subject is to know “how we produce electric cars in France and Europe” and how these cars will be made financially accessible to the most modest.

10:19 – The RN, “we have already tried them” in 2014 and in 2019, insists Bellamy

“There are a lot of people today who say ‘we want to impose a sanction on Emmanuel Macron, we are going to vote for Jordan Bardella'”, notes François-Xavier Bellamy on RTL. “But the truth is that the National Rally has already won the European election, in 2019, and even it already won in 2014” recalls the head of the LR list. “I hear people all over the country saying: ‘We tried the right, we tried the left, we tried the middle, we were disappointed, so we’re going to try them’. But in the European elections , we have already tried them. The French have trusted them for ten years by giving them the largest number of deputies in the European Parliament and they have not done anything about it. comma in a single European text.”

09:59 – Potential voters on the three main left-wing lists are still undecided

Left-wing voters still find it difficult to choose their vote on a list. Thus, if 14% of those surveyed by Toluna/Harris Interactive cite that of Raphaël Glucksmann (PS/PP) as their favorite, 3% are still hesitant with those of Mann Aubry (LFI) and Marie Toussaint (EELV). Glucksmann could therefore lose almost 2 points (1.9) to Toussaint and 1 point to Aubry.

Marie Toussaint can also lose one point to Glucksmann and 0.7 to Aubry. Manon Aubry, finally, can lose 1.1 points to the ecologists and 0.9 to the socialists.

09:51 – Participation in the European vote announced on the rise among women

“Compared to the last elections [européennes]participation today seems to be increasing in particular among women (46%, compared to 40%), even if they still vote less than men (51%)”, notes Ifop in its rolling of May 31 for the FigaroSud Radio and LCI.

09:44 – Unlike 2019, young people are little mobilized for these European elections

In 2019, the increased participation of young voters weighed on the final scores: 40% of 18-34 year olds then went to the polls, according to an Ipsos/Sopara Steria survey. For these 2024 European elections, the figure is much lower: 31% of 18-29 year olds are sure to vote on June 9, according to an Ipsos survey for Franceinfo and Brut unveiled on Wednesday. Among young voters who plan to vote, the National Rally list is given as the favorite, ahead of those of La France insoumise, the Socialist Party and Europe Ecologie Les Verts.

09:39 – 48.5% of voters plan to vote in the European elections

Less than one in two French people intend to go to the polls on June 9, according to the Ifop barometer of May 30 for Le Figaro, LCI and Sud Radio. This announced participation rate is up by four and a half points over the last two months: voters are therefore increasingly mobilized as the European elections approach. But for now, participation is expected to be slightly lower than in 2019: during the last European elections, 50.12% of those registered on the electoral lists voted.

09:34 – Welcome to this live from the Europeans

The European elections will take place on Sunday June 9 in France. Find all the latest campaign news and poll results.
