European Union launches official investigation against Chinese vehicles

Chinese automobile concern in Europe is increasing

The European Union has launched an investigation against Chinese vehicles, as revealed today. Chinese’s European adventure becomes difficult can enter.

The automobile industry has been changing rapidly in recent years, and fully electric cars are at the center of this change. Since electric cars have much fewer parts than standard models, they can be easily produced by new generation companies that do not have a deep-rooted history. In this way, we are currently making incredible progress in the electric car market. There is a Chinese model boom, These models have been making a big splash in Europe lately. European Commission President Von der Leyen, who did not like this situation, said at the end of last month He announced that Brussels would launch an anti-subsidy investigation into Chinese-made electric vehicles on the grounds that they distort the European market.. Von der Leyen on this subject, “Global markets are now flooded with cheaper Chinese electric cars, whose prices are kept artificially low by massive government subsidies. “This situation is disrupting our market.” he said. Today, the process is now under official review.Important decisions may be made specifically for Chinese vehicles / manufacturers in Europe. Chinese manufacturers say that the electric vehicle market in China is extremely competitive and He emphasizes that it is not protected by subsidies. The remarkable investigation is planned to be concluded within 13 months, and it is reported that a general extra tax may be imposed on Chinese vehicles as a result. There are some European countries that already impose extra taxes.


Speaking on these issues last month, Volkswagen CEO said, ““Oliver Blume” if at least Europe is not afraid of these new brands, Volkswagen is owned by Chinese electric vehicle manufacturers He said he wasn’t threatened. Blume is a company that consists of efforts to bring newborn vehicles into compliance with strict European rules and investments in establishing a sales network for new brands in Europe. due to serious costsstates that Chinese vehicles do not have a huge price advantage in Europe.

Chinese vehicles Stating that when they come to Europe, they double their prices in China. Oliver Blume:You know how to build vehicles and we have an established level of quality. We also have a brand heritage. Newcomers don’t have that. Therefore, we see ourselves in a good position.” says. “The Chinese have learned to produce cars in recent years.” The CEO, who also made the statement, also said, “Competition is always a good thing. It pushes us to be better.” he also says.

Renault Chairman Jean-Dominique Senard said: Asia’s superpower has a grip on Europe’s growing electric vehicle (EV) sector as it dominates the key raw materials used to make batteries for zero-emission cars, he said in an interview. of china storm He said it was coming.

On this subject, in recent months, the CEO of Stellantis Carlos Tavares He also made some important statements. Tavares, politicians in Europe “Stellantis, BMW And “Volkswagen” He stated that if European companies did not take action to help companies such as, they would enter into a terrible war with their Chinese rivals.
